Who We Are
The mission of the ECSC is to foster the well-being and effectiveness of the school community (students, staff, parents and those with interest in the school) and thereby enhance student learning. The ECSC is the parent group that works together with the Principal and school staff on matters that concern this school. The ESCS has been functioning since 1985.
As a parent/guardian to a student at Ecole Campbelltown, you are a member of the council. Your opinions are important and valued. The ECSC meets approximately 8 times per year. The meetings are open to all parents to attend. They are a fabulous opportunity for gathering and discussing school-specific information from the executive/administration/staff representation as well as regional and provincial information from our School Trustee and Council of School Councils (COSC) representative.
The School Act states that ..."The school council may, at its discretion, advise the principal and the board respecting any matter relating to the school," (except for personnel issues). These councils are mandatory for all schools, and are designed to give parents, students, teachers, and other community members meaningful involvement in school based decision making, by allowing all their members to collaboratively help make major decisions about policies, programs and services and the allocation of funds to support them.
Why You Should Become Involved
Parental involvement in education is widely recognized as a vital component to successful students and successful schools. Research shows that when parents are involved, students achieve more, have higher grades, better attendance, and exhibit more positive attitudes. Whether you contribute your time and energy as a volunteer, council member, council executive, or simply carry out your role as a parent, it is important to be involved in your school. Education involves us all: parents, teachers, students, principals, school boards, governments, and the community.