French Immersion

French is Fun!


Le français. . .c'est magnifique!

École Campbelltown is proud to offer a single track French Immersion program for students from Kindergarten to Grade 6.  Kindergarten students receive all instruction in French.  Students in Grade K-2 are taught all subjects in French, starting grade three all subjects are in French with the exception of English language arts which is scheduled on a daily basis.

Our school is unique in that it is entirely devoted to French Immersion.  This offers us the opportunity to immerse students in a French environment with announcements, assemblies  and instruction being delivered almost entirely in French.  Students are likely to hear staff and peers speaking  French in the hallways as well as on the playground. This constant exposure to French is crucial in helping the students to develop their French language skills.

We also offer a variety of French cultural activities throughout the year such as shucking corn during our épluchette de blé d'Inde in September.  During a week in March, our school celebrates Semaine de la Francophonie.  Throughout the week the students engage in activities that celebrate French such as French musicians, plays and cultural performances.  Students spend the week reflecting on the joys of learning French.  Our Grade 6 students also attend a French camp at the end of the year as part of our special cultural events.

At École Campbelltown, French is fun!

What is French Immersion?

Have you Considered French Immersion?

What is French Immersion?

The French Immersion Program gives students fluency in speaking, reading, writing, listening and communicating in French by the end of Grade 12.

French is the language of instruction, beginning in Kindergarten continuing to Grade 3 when English is introduced.

Check out Alberta Education’s French Immersion ECS Handbook for more details.

Why Should I Consider French Immersion for my Child?

Learning French offers students significant linguistic, academic and cognitive benefits:

- strengthens English literacy skills and listening skills 
- enhances problem-solving abilities
- strengthens concentration, math, and the ability to filter out non-important information
- provides students with more flexible, divergent, and creative thinking skills
- delays dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later on in life
- provides graduates with more choices for advanced education and career options
- gives graduates a competitive edge in the job market anywhere
- broadens students' cultural life through access to literature, art, music and theatre
- helps students to better understand the history, development and government of their country
- builds cultural awareness and empathy
- increases a student's feeling of self-esteem and pride
- makes learning additional languages easier













But We Don’t Speak French at Home! How does that work?

  • You are not alone. Most parents of French Immersion students do not speak French! In fact, it was non-French speaking parents who invented French Immersion in the first place! Your child will do just fine whether or not you speak French at home.
  • Check out Yes, You Can Help! 

 We are happy to answer any questions you might have!