Spring and Summer Programs

Here are a few interesting opportunities for families of children starting as young as kindergarten.
Programs in Strathcona County:
Programs for Children and Youth:
Here, you will find information about programs aimed at helping children gain a variety of skills. Programs include:
- Confident Kids- Grades 1 to 3
- Kimochis Starts School
- Papa-Palooza!
- Mud Day!
Programs for Parents and Caregivers:
Here, you will find information about programs aimed at equipping adults help children navigate a variety of topics. Programs include:
- Digital Well-Being
- Kids Have Stress Too!
- From Here to There: School Avoidance
- Triple P: Dealing with Disobedience
- Triple P Teen: Making and Keeping Friends
Here you will find the Strathcona County Boys and Grils Club Summer Broshure.
Here you will find the Fort Saskatchewan Boys and Grils Club Summer Adventure Guide