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Reading Week 2024

This week we are celebrating our love of reading with a jam-packed schedule of fun reading activities.  
Here’s what we’ve been up to this week!

We kicked off the week with classroom visits from Firefighters, RCMP officers and French Immersion Grade 9 students from Sherwood Heights. Classes participated in literacy activities that ranged from listening to a story with their special visitor, to making skits in French with older language models!


Today was “Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character Day”! We saw dragons, Harry Potters, and many more! The Sherwood Park Crusaders Hockey Players also visited our Grade 4 and 6 classes and read them a story, and Mr. Probert visited the other classes and got to read to them as well!


Today students got to enjoy some cookies while reading with their partners from their Buddy Class!


For terrific Thursday, families were invited to read with their child at school for our Family Reading time. Classrooms and hallways were full of parents and grandparents who took time out of their busy days to make reading with their child a priority! It was great to see such large turnout!


Flashlight Friday! Today, students brought flashlights to school to enjoy one last day of DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) in the dark! To add to the fun of reading with flashlights, some students were also encouraged to bring a stuffy to read with, and even to wear pajamas!

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